
Showing posts from February 20, 2017

Galaxies Within, Yearning to Be Free

I was 16 the first time I cut. I had stolen some alcohol from my parents in an attempt to fall asleep, to shut up the constant stream of negative thoughts that bombarded me at night. It didn't help. I lay in my bed, the world spiraling around me and the voices still whispered, vile words dripping with poison. I tried everything to sleep through the thoughts that pounded against my skull like too many stars trapped in a vacuum. Self Harm: Original Photography by Em Kemper My thoughts drifted to a conversation I had had a week before. My best friend had explained to me  how cutting helped her cope with the things she couldn't control. She said being able to silence the mental pain with physical pain was fascinating and that it gave her a peace about the world around her. So I got up. I was sluggish from the liquor, floundering in my mind, but I trudged to the kitchen looking for my dad's medical supplies. I found some small, at home surgery kits and I t