
Showing posts from May 7, 2020

Thoughts #9

I've lived as half of myself for so long, it's weird to be filling in all the gaps inside me I am a universe and I let myself believe I was incomplete Crazy


You know This blog has been a weird way for me to communicate how I feel incomplete in myself It's time for an upgrade Hi. My name is Em, Emily or Stevie I am a genderfluid bitch with a new way to handle my life I am strong I am worthy I am beautiful I am complete within  myself and I am who I have always searched for I was here the whole time And now I know I am complete I am whole And fuck anyone who tries to make me feel otherwise I am the one I've been waiting for all of my life I will show myself as me The queen, the goddess I am Steve Rogers And anyone who wants to take that from me can fuck off Also, my favorite color is pink. Welcome to the new color scheme