
Showing posts from May 23, 2017

Another Sleepless Night (AKA a tribute to Cecil Palmer)

"A friendly desert community where the sun is hot, The moon is beautiful,   And mysterious lights pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep. Welcome to Night Vale."   Hello, listeners... Or readers, I suppose. Though if you caught the reference that's awesome. And if you haven't listened to Welcome to Night Vale, you should seriously check it out. I have not slept today. Which is good, cause I have to buckle down and start moving out of my apartment today. Nicely done, Emily. Putting this off to the last minute. Smart. I don't really know what my deal is. It's not that hard to do things right? Like, say, just to get up and grab a glass of water. Or actually, take a shower and brush my teeth. Not complicated, right? Wrong! Dead fucking wrong... For some reason, even the most menial tasks seem to elude me, which is at least, annoying And at most, a massive breakdown waiting to happen. Ahh, don't you just love the