That One Song

Y'all know the one I'm talking about, right? That one that you always catch almost done on the radio and you don't know the name of it and then one day, boom! You catch it right as it's starting and it's just as amazing as you always thought it was.

Or how about the one that you heard with your best friend that one time at a garage party and you've never been able to find it but you guys sing it horrible off key and it's probably the wrong lyrics but damn it hits you right in the nostalgia.

Speaking of nostalgia, how bout the song that comes on when you're driving and you just stare out the window like you're in a music videos and it makes you feel hurts you've never experienced. Or it makes you miss far off places you've never been or you can never go.

Oh! How about the one that reminds you of your favorite character from your favorite book or movie or tv show and every time you hear it you can just imagine them sitting next to you jamming out to it or you see a music video montage of all the moments that fit perfectly with that song.

The one that makes you tear up because it used to mean so much to you and someone else and now you don't speak to them. Maybe you were listening to it during a super sad part in a book or it was in the saddest part of a movie. The song you go to when you really just need to let everything out for five minutes before you can go back to work.

There's the one that just gets you so hyped up no matter where you are or what you're doing. The one you could play on repeat at the gym and run for miles or play in your living room and dance around like a maniac.

It plays and the next thing you know you're busting out singing every lyric just right and whether it sounds atrocious or you hit every note exactly right you come away feeling like you just performed the best concert this century.

Y'all know the one I'm talking about, right? The one that you hear and every time it just reaches in and pulls at the most tattered parts of your soul and for just a few minutes you feel like your okay. Put together, whole.

Music is so, so incredible and I know it's pulled me thru some of the worst times of my life. I'll include a link to my playlist. Or maybe you'll read the ideas above and make your own.

Enjoy the good days and little things y'all.


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