How Things Change as the Seasons Fly By

 I mentioned to a friend that when everything else around me is going crazy or I can't figure out my thoughts or when I just need to let something out, I always turn back to writing.

And then I realized, I haven't updated this blog in over a year. Whoops.

And my last post was pretty bad. I was really going through it. 

Ironically enough, I lost the job that was causing me burnout not long after that post (thanks Covid) and everything just went kind of off the rails.

Honestly, everything is still off the rails. Nothing is the same, I still haven't found the financial stability I'm used to, a lot of our future plans changed...

And I'm just rolling with it.

Crazily enough, I am okay. Mentally more stable than I have been in years, more comfortable with my body than I ever have been and my relationships are going strong. 

It's insane. My life is absolutely out of control and more calm than ever. 

Learning to let go is an amazing feeling. Mind you, I'm not just doing whatever willy nilly.

But I am letting things roll off my back, not holding onto the things I can't control, and just breathing through the difficult times. 

I'm looking inward, studying, my habits (bad and good), working on protecting me and mine. It's incredibly refreshing to feel like I can handle things without having to be in total control. 

It's bliss.


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